Consultant: Pathologist - Microbiology
Namibia Institute of Pathology
Job Reference #: H050004
Industry: Technical
Positions Available: 1
The pathologist is responsible for:
Delivering diagnostic services at a consultant level using evidence-based medicine and scientific principles.
Providing support for undergraduate and postgraduate training, conducting research to aid clinicians in patient care, enhancing capacity within the field, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the discipline.
Due date: 17 January 2025
Consultant: Haematopathologist
Namibia Institute of Pathology
Job Reference #: H0100002
Industry: Technical
Positions Available: 1
The pathologist is responsible for:
The provision of a consultant Haematologist service to the NIP Ltd, through the use of rational evidence based medicine and science, within the area of laboratory diagnostics / Haematopathology.
To supervise the quality assurance of the Haematology and CD 4 laboratory.
Due date:17 January 2025
Due date: 01 July 2024